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Bassett Green Primary School

Bassett Green Primary School

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Be Brave, Be Brilliant, Be our Best


RE Subject Vision

At Bassett Green Primary School …


“RE helps you understand about faith and it helps you to respect what people have chosen to believe.” Year 5 pupil.


We are ambitious for pupils to develop all aspects of their knowledge of Religious Education.

Using the concept cycle and the golden threads, children gain substantive knowledge and key understanding of a range of faith traditions. They then build on their strong foundational understanding of the complexity of religion to enable them to ask questions and find similarities and differences between different faith traditions as well as their own experiences. They are encouraged to think deeply about what they have learned and ask big questions about religion as the curriculum becomes increasingly complex and demanding.


Religious Education at Bassett Green Primary School aims to be memorable and engaging. We give children the opportunity to immerse themselves in celebrations of faith as well as providing hands on, creative activities and memorable learning experiences.



Religious Education is a very important subject. It gets to the heart of the values that we hold and the choices we choose to live.


We teach children at Bassett Green Primary School that:


Religious Education is learning about what it means to live life with a religious faith or non-religious life.

A religious thinker at Bassett Green Primary School is a learner who can:

•    Communicate their own experiences of the concept 
•    Apply their understanding to the experiences of others
•    Inquire about key themes and ideas within the concept studied
•    Contextualise the concept within faith traditions.
•    Evaluate and discern the value of the concept studied to believers and themselves


RE learning is supported by learning about different faith traditions using the Living Difference agreed syllabus for Hampshire.  Using a concept cycle to explore these traditions allows children to retain and build upon previously learned concepts and religious knowledge. A combination of Abrahamic and Dharmic faith traditions are studied across the key stages, along with world views. The faith traditions we study are:

Our vision, along with the required objectives are taught through an ambitious and progressive curriculum:

All children have a legal entitlement to RE and it is a necessary part of a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’.  We are inclusive in our teaching of this subject.


However, parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE lessons.  To do this, please use the text below and email it to


As parents/carers of [child's name/class], we formally request that they are withdrawn from RE.


We will then  arrange a meeting for this to be discussed further, to ensure that this is the most appropriate decision in the best interests of the child.

Be Brave, Be Brilliant, Be our Best