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Attendance at school is vital to a child’s academic success. Good Attendance leads to good attainment and development.
At Bassett Green we have set a target that all Children will look to achieve 97% Attendance. This equates to roughly one week of school missed between September and July.
We constantly monitor children’s attendance at Bassett Green, and will alert parents if their child’s attendance becomes a concern.
If a child’s attendance drops too low, and interventions from the school do not work, then the school will refer onwards to the Education Welfare Service who will work with Parents to improve their child's attendance at school. This is a last resort from the school, and we will only do this as an absolute last resort.
If your child is absent for any reason, please make sure to inform the school office by telephoning or in person by 9.30am. Please give as much information as possible, as the school is unable to authorise an absence if we are provided with a reason such as ‘unwell’. Absence will be denoted on the register as either I for illness, C for Authorised Absence or O for Unauthorised Absence.
The school day begins at 8.50am. Please ensure that your child is in school by this time. If a child arrives past 9am, they will officially be marked as Late on the register using an L Code. If a child arrives later than 9.15am, they will be marked with a U code, Late After Registers Close, this code on the register counts as an unauthorised absence, unless medical evidence is provided. Please note that any children arriving after 9.30am will need to bring a packed lunch with them, unless the lunch is ordered beforehand.
We ask that medical appointments; Doctors, Dentists, Opticians or Hospital Appointments; be arranged, wherever possible for outside school hours. Whilst we appreciate that this may not always be possible, it can be disruptive for a child’s learning if they need to be removed from school midway through a lesson! If a child is at an appointment at the time of registration in the morning or afternoon, the register will be marked with an M Code. This code does affect attendance, and is classed as an Authorised Absence. Please provide the school with copies of any appointment letters to enable us to authorise the absence
It is sometimes difficult to know when your child is too ill to come to school. We use the Healthier Together website to make decisions about when children should be in school. Click the link to use the website yourself.