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At Bassett Green Primary School, each child is at the heart of all that we do.
We are proud of the inclusive environment and ethos at our school that ensures equal opportunity for every child. We believe each child is unique and gifted with personal qualities and skills and we encourage pupils to recognise their personal value.
Our staff develop positive relationships with our pupils, rooted in trust and respect. Staff are kept up to date with training to ensure that they are well equipped in supporting our pupils, particularly our pupils with SEND.
When asked what pupils thought of the staff at Bassett Green, our SEND pupils said:
“When I am stuck she helps me and listens to me”- Year 1 pupil
“I like the grown-ups because they make my day brighter. They help me by giving me ideas and they always have my back.”- Year 3 pupil
“They make sure there is no bullying. They support me with work and if I am feeling angry, they try and make me happy.”- Year 5 pupil
Communication with families is exceptionally important to us, particularly when ensuring pupils receive the best support. We have high expectations of pupils, families and staff to enable each child, regardless of their starting point, to reach their potential and prepare them for their future education.
The Graduated Response
Bassett Green uses a graduated response approach to support for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Pupil’s positions are continually monitored, and they are able to move up or down the stages as appropriate. This enables us to track and monitor the progress of pupils through an ongoing cycle of Assess, Plan, Do and Review. The approach is designed to be dynamic and to put children’s individual needs at the heart of provision.
Stage 1: Universal Provision
Stage 2: Early identification support (Not on SEND Register) In addition to Stage 1:
Stage 3: Targeted, additional support (Not on SEND Register) In addition to Stages 1 - 2:
Stage 4: Targeted, intensive addition support (SEND Register) In addition to Stages 1 – 3:
Stage 5: Provision over and above that which would be expected at universal and targeted support levels because pupil’s needs are exceptional, severe, complex and long term In addition to Stages 1 – 4:
The Ordinarily Available Provision
Southampton released the Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance in 2023. The guidance outlines the provision that schools are required to provide and the support and in addition to the support that the Local Authority will provide to enable schools to deliver on these expectations. At Bassett Green Primary School, staff use this guidance to help them plan appropriate provision for their pupils which enables them to be successful learners. You can view the Southampton Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance here:
The Local Offer
The Local Offer sets out the support available in Southampton for children
and young people with SEND (including those without an Educational, Health, Care Plan). Local authorities (LAs) have a statutory duty to develop a local offer and publish it on their website.
This is so they can:
- Provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about available provision and how to access it
- Make sure the provision responds to local needs and aspirations
View Southampton’s Local Offer Here:
Support for Parents of Pupils with SEND
SENDIASS is a SEND Information, Advice and Support Service in Hampshire. They provide timely, confidential, impartial information, advice and support through online resources, events and workshops and helpline service.
If you have any questions relating to SEND that you would like to know more about, please contact SENDIASS on:
0300 303 2677
Or alternatively email them at:
Their website has lots of useful information. Please access this here:
Jargon Busters
There can be a lot of confusing terms and abbreviations used by the various authorities and organisations. This page helps you understand what they all mean.
Re:Minds is a Southampton based organisation support families whose children/young people have Autism, ADHD or other neurodiverse needs and/or mental health needs- with or without a diagnosis. They are brilliant at providing opportunities for people whose children face similar issues to share knowledge and talk about any challenges they may be facing. You can contact Re:Minds on: Or explore their website here:
Half termly coffee mornings at School
At Bassett Green Primary School, the school SENCo will host a coffee morning every half term. This is a fantastic opportunity for parents to be able to share experience and challenges they may be facing in a safe and familiar environment. In addition to this, the SENCo will update parents on recent guidance from the local authority regarding SEND. Please come along to this if you can!
The school’s SENCo is Imogen Mitchell. You can contact her on
To find out more about our SEND provision please read our SEND Policy and SEND report.