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Breakfast Club
Please find below information if you wish your child to attend our Breakfast Club. Bookings can be made via the Parent Arbor app and should be made by no later than 7am on the day. Please see the link below for a guide on how to book.
Sessions are priced at £3.50 per session and are payable in advance on a weekly basis.
If your child is currently entitled to free school meals (NOT Universal Free School Meals currently free to all KS1 pupils) you will still need to book your child a space on Arbor.
Children must be booked into the club prior to attending and spaces are on allocated on a first come first served basis.
Breakfast Club Fees and Payment Policy
We aim to ensure that our Breakfast Club offers a service to all our parents and carers regardless of their socio-economic background.
- In order to achieve this aim we will run the Breakfast Club for five sessions per week.
- Our Breakfast Club will begin at 7.30am and end at 8.30am. Breakfasts are served between 7.30am and 8.15am. The Breakfast Club staff are unable to provide breakfast to children who arrive after 8.15am.
- We set our fees according to the community’s demands, taking into account the setting’s costs.
- Pre-booked sessions are contracted on a termly basis to protect the parent/carer’s needs as well as the schools
- Pre booking of sessions either paid for or free (in receipt of Free School Meals) is an important requirement to ensure we are providing the correct child/adult ratio
Pre-booked Sessional costs
- We expect parents / carers to book and pay for sessions in advance, as far as is possible, before the start of each half term.
- Each pre-booked Breakfast Club session will cost £3.50 to be paid in advance on the Arbor Parent app or portal.
- If sufficient places have not been booked to maintain the financial viability of the setting we reserve the right to close Bassett Green Primary School Breakfast Club until the beginning of the following term.
Ad Hoc Session Payment
- There is no provision for Ad Hoc Sessions in the Breakfast Club.
Late payment
- The financial viability of the Breakfast Club depends on the prompt payment of sessions.
- If this payment plan is not adhered to then the Breakfast Club may have to refuse your child entry to future sessions.
Booking your child to attend
- Parents / carers will be asked to complete their booking on the Arbor parent app or portal.
- Parents / carers must not knowingly book their child into a session they will not then attend.
- Sessions should be booked each term in advance.
- We cannot refund sessions a child has missed due to illness or holidays.
- When a session is booked it is held open for that child whether or not they then attend.
- Written notice is required, two weeks in advance, if cancelling your child’s place. Failure to do so may result in payment being required for the booked sessions.
- For pupils in receipt of Free School Meals their place will not be held open continuously and will be withdrawn after 3 booked and missed sessions.
Cancellation of Sessions
- Sessions will remain chargeable unless written notice is given. If circumstances require sessions to be cancelled during the term then please speak to the Breakfast Club staff.
- Breakfast Club will not operate on school Inset Days.