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Bassett Green Primary School

Bassett Green Primary School

Interactive Bar

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Be Brave, Be Brilliant, Be our Best

Year 5

Summer Term: Zimbole

African music

Step 7: Robins perform to Frogs Class on a very hot afternoon after Sports Day and PE. Awesome work, guys!

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Step 6: Omotade and Manuel working well together

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Step 6: in pairs with the glockenspiel and djembe

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Step 5: Zimbole Ostinato - first try

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Step 4: Robins Class djembe practice

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Step 3: Starting to learn the djembe. Apologies for the quality of the video - we were too busy playing to focus on recording it this week

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Step 2: starting to learn SOLFA hand actions for do re mi - the tonic note is on G for this piece

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Step 1: Body Percussion

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Step 1: Introduction to Waka Waka and Mrs Williams was so impressed at this first try

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Spring Term: English National Opera Composition Project


AJ presented Kingfishers Class piece at Great Oaks school for the ENO celebration.

Robins: Golden Eagles are the Highest

Kingfishers: Sparkling Sapphire

Puffins: Punching Purple

Puffins fininished composition: Punching Purple

Kingfishers composition: Sparkling Sapphire

Robins finished composition: Golden!

Step 5: Puffins table 5

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Step 5: Puffins table 4 Yummy Vimto

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Step 5: KF table 5 - Started so well - need to think about the ending next

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Step 5: KF table 2

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Step 4: Robins Golden Eagles are the Highest!

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Step 4: KF table 3 juicy delicious blueberries

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Step 4: KF table 3 - Coldy Winter

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Step 3: Scuttling scorpions (and a little dance!)

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Step 3: Juicy Delicious blueberries - good use of dynamics

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Step 3: Good Vibes Vocals

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Step 3: Golden Eagle Vocals

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Step 2: Glistening Scales and claves

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Step 1: investigating colour words

Step 1: We had a mysterious letter and received composer lanyards!

Introduction - recording and playing back Blob Opera

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Introduction - we tried out Blob Opera. Here's some excellent practice

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Pre-assessment - What do we know about Opera?

*Ava playing Jingle Bells

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Jingle Bells Videos

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Autumn 1&2: Our Topic is Rap

Kingfishers Rap: Life is short (make the most of it)

Puffins rap - Sports

Robins rap - Pets (a dog called Gerald?)

Robins Rap with excellent illustrations

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Performances! Kingfishers table 1 could clap and rap

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Performances! Kingfishers table 2 had a good grid where they thought about how they would perform

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Performances! Puffins performed to Kingfishers class. Table 1 are budding rappers!

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Performances! Puffins Table 3 coordinated body (table) percussion into their performance

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Robins Rap

Week 8: Puffins Class refrain

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Week 7: Refrains for our rap. We used the cardboard to restrict the pitch to notes we can sing

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Week 7: Sport is Sport: let's play it!

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Week 6: Kingfishers Class help Mrs Williams text mark while she also takes a video...

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Week 6: Clapping the rap

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Week 6: AJ made yet another freestyle rap!

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Week 6: One table beat marked and chanted their rap

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Week 5: Puffins and Kingfishers rap

Week 5: AJ's incredible rap about plants which he wrote himself.

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Week 5: Bora wrote and illustrated an amazing rap for homework

Week 5: Our rhymes for "Life is short (Make the most of it)"

Week 5: Lukas's rap which we hope to use

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Week 4: Vocabulary and rhymes generated by Puffins and Robins

Week 4: Logan was inspired to spontaneously rap with the vocabulary he generated

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We think this is awesome!

Week 4: Andy wrote a rap especially for Year 5 at Bassett Green. He challenged pupils to put their hands up when they heard a word to do with school.

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This type of rap is called freestyle because the rhymes aren't always at the end

Week 4: We helped Andy in his rap. When he said "Music Melody" we said "Words Weaponry" because words are powerful

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Week 3: Adding vocabulary: Here are some great examples

Week 2: Our names in rhythm. What is the symbol next to Jude? Why?

We are using this video for our slow rap beat.

Can you count 4 beats of the bar?

Nathaniel ‘Life is a Blessing’

Our project leads on from the Rob Bradley workshops at Bassett Green. On Friday 2 December 2022 two rappers from Bassett Green released their debut tracks, recorded at MAST Music Studio. This track is about “inspiring people to keep trying hard, and to not give up on their dreams, no matter what happens to them.”

Pre week: Oliver playing the ostinato to Eyes Closed by Ed Sheeran

Be Brave, Be Brilliant, Be our Best