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Bassett Green Primary School

Bassett Green Primary School

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Be Brave, Be Brilliant, Be our Best



The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown is an unprecedented situation in modern times. 


At Bassett Green our recovery curriculum is focused around 5 key principles: 

1- Ensuring everyone is safe

2-Building relationships with adults and peers

3-Managing feelings and behaviour

4- Promoting and supporting physical and emotional health

5- Enjoying school and children making good or better progress


We have adapted our teaching to take into account the latest Government guidance for instance teachers are teaching from the front of the classroom to maintain a distance from the children. We have made physical adaptions to our classrooms for example tables are in rows and children sit next to each other not facing each other. 


Our recovery curriculum is carefully planned to take into account children's different starting points, address gaps in their learning and consolidate prior and new learning in a variety of meaningful contexts.  We look forward to sharing the children's learning with parents and carers via our website and social media accounts. 


Assessing children's learning after lockdowns

PE Lockdown Success


Throughout lockdown the PE department remained very busy with the Hampshire School Games Daily Challenges. Our pupils were staying active by completing the daily challenges at home and the key worker groups completed them in school. We had a great deal of success with this and we won the following awards:

 1st Bassett Green - we won this competition for 16 weeks for the most pupils participation.

 1st Bassett Green - in the County for 3 of the weekly challenges.


We were awarded a certificate of recognition for the following reason.

"thank you for all your support this year and for your School’s engagement in the School Games programme. Through this you have offered a range of opportunities in PE, Sport and Physical Activity for all children in your school. In recognition of this work I am delighted to award Bassett Green Primary School the Youth Sport Trust (YST) Certificate of Recognition for ongoing commitment and achievement in the School Games programme during the Autumn and Spring Terms."


We also received a certificate from the YST for the following reason:

" In recognition of your support, commitment and engagement we would like to Award Bassett Green Primary School with the Youth Sport Trust School Games Virtual Certificate. School Games Organisers are awarding this certificate across the country and here in Hampshire we have been keeping in touch with schools to monitor their provision over the Summer Terms. In light, of this the decision to Award your school was based on the following: 1. Engagement with SGO 2. Engagement with young people within school 3. Engagement of young people at home with families 4. Regular promotion over social media."


If we find ourselves in another lockdown, we as a PE department will maintain the high standards that we have for our pupils. We will continue to take part in all of the virtual competitions and ensure that our pupils remain physically and mentally active.


COVID Reopening

Frequently Asked Questions


All questions emailed or asked regarding reopening will be posted on this page for the whole school community to see. Thank you for your questions so far.


If you have further questions, please email the school office and we will continue to publish responses. 



Will I be fined if I don't send my child to school? 

School attendance will be mandatory again from the beginning of the autumn term. This means that from that point, the usual rules on school attendance will apply, including:


  • Parents’ duty to ensure that their child attends regularly.
  • Our responsibility to record attendance and follow up absence
  • The ability to issue sanctions, including fixed penalty notices in line with local authorities’ codes of conduct.

I recognise there may be families anxious about their child returning to school. We want you to be happy and confident with the measures that we have put in place. Please do speak to us  on the school gates if you have any questions or concerns. 


Do I send my child in school uniform? 


All children returning to school need to be in full school uniform.  


If my child has symptoms what should I do?  


Find your nearest testing facility, get your child tested and inform us of the results. Do not send your child to school if they are unwell or have symptoms of COVID-19. 


Do children come in PE kit to days when they have PE?  


No, children will get changed in their classrooms. 


Where can I find the government guidance?


The following links will direct you to the different documents released by Government:


Test and Trace and how it works -


Stay at Home Guidance -


Getting Tested -


Safe Working in Education -


Isolation re: education settings -


Cleaning of non-healthcare settings -


Contacting PHE -


Using public transport -


Review of disparities in risks and outcomes -




Doctors of the World have Covid 19 latest info translated into 26 languages on front page of their website, please see below.

Our contingency plans in the event of a partial or full lockdown:  


We promise to:

1- Provide a home learning pack that is separated into subjects with answer sheets
2- To regularly upload work onto Seesaw and to feedback on children’s learning.
3- To provide at least one session of online learning per year group per week. Lengths of
session will vary depending on your child’s year group and online response. This will be via
zoom and to ensure effective safeguarding measures are in place, one parent and or carer
will need to be present at all times and 2 members of staff will be present/delivering the
4- We will teach the children how to use Seesaw effectively in our computing lessons.
5- We will make learning fun!


Be Brave, Be Brilliant, Be our Best