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Bassett Green Primary School

Bassett Green Primary School

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Be Brave, Be Brilliant, Be our Best

Spring 1: English National Opera - Finish This project

Step 3: Lenny plays Leo's composition, followed by the rest of Kingfishers Class

Still image for this video

Step 2: Leo had a fantastic melody and phrase which we may use again in "Winter Pink"

Still image for this video

Step 2: Lwandle's great ideas to start us off with Robins class colour - Winter Pink

Still image for this video

Step 2: Damien started with trying to match an instrument for "red"

Still image for this video

Step 2b: We made Wordclouds for our chosen colours. Here is a selection

Step 2: We started to think about colours we could use to compose. Kingfishers class had lots of beautiful blue/green colours which echoed the colours in Logan's 3d printed dragon!

Step 1: Jessie Joe made some musical patterns in response to our first video

Still image for this video

I need you

And you need me

To make up this community

It won’t work

Without my friends

So let’s all come together


Together we’re stronger

We’ve got to remember we're one

With love at the centre

We can come together


I will listen

To your words

I’ll forgive

When I get hurt

I’ll pick you up

When you fall down

So let’s all come together.


Together we’re stronger

We’ve got to remember we're one

With love at the centre

We can come together


Everyone belongs in this community

We'll sing as one

Let’s all come together

Together we’re stronger

We’ve got to remember we're one

With love at the centre

We can come together

Be Brave, Be Brilliant, Be our Best