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Bassett Green Primary School

Bassett Green Primary School

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Be Brave, Be Brilliant, Be our Best

Bassett Green Primary School


On behalf of the Bassett Green Primary School community, I am delighted to welcome you to our website. We hope you find our website informative. It is designed to give you a flavour of the vibrant life of our school, the work of our pupils and the quality of education we strive to deliver

Read more about us

School Updates

Whole school attendance

Whole school target 97% 92.9%

Being our Best

“The core to a successful school is the leadership team, and it's clear the leadership team at Bassett Green School is like no other. And it does not end there, every single member of staff is amazing, their commitment and dedication is of a very high standard.” Parent
“The trips are great experiences to help us with what we're learning about.” Bassett Green Pupil
“I cannot explain in words how happy I am that my kids are at Bassett Green School.” Parent

House Points

  • Fire 2526
  • Earth 2184
  • Water 2070
  • Air 1887


Be Brave, Be Brilliant, Be our Best